For men like you and me, being excited about using a kinky sex toy is an everyday thing. The goal of reaching climax often outweighs the goal of eating, sleeping, and showering. It’s a guy thing. Thus, excellent dick ticklers are a part of the average man’s tool box, regardless of his age, occupation, or sexual persuasion.
With that said, the plethora of toys on today’s market is downright fascinating. Back in the day, there were a handful of product options and an even smaller number of manufacturers to choose from, so picking out a sex toy and knowing exactly what it was and how it was used was common. But oh, how times have changed. Nowadays, it requires a super power to know about all the fuck sticks in the world, let alone the degree in engineering needed to operate some of them.
While the wonderful world of cock rings is relatively simple, adventurous manufacturers are steadily coming up with new and “improved” ideas for one of their hottest selling male sex toys. The cock ring, which is designed to offer dual pleasure benefits, is now at high demand. Luckily, the modern market’s supply is undoubtedly keeping up with the Joneses.
Using a late model cock ring might seem overwhelming when its usage is compared to old school shit, but the most complicated part of the new stuff is usually its settings or media connectivity. Yes, some of the newly fangled cock rings can be linked to a Bluetooth device for long-distance couple’s play, virtual porn experiences, and more tailored orgasms. Still, learning the basics of the cock ring is pretty much the only way to navigate your way through the brimming sea of penis primers with any success.
What Is a Cock Ring?
Simply put, a cock ring is a circular device that is worn snugly at the base of the penis. Well-made versions feature a variety of pleasure settings which include things like vibration variations, touch-sensitive speed controls, rapid heating and cooling options, and even remote access. The user’s desire typically dictates the overall functionality and design of the cock ring purchased, and some manufacturers go as far as to customize the product to fit extra small or extra-large clients.
Moreover, the use of elastic and hypoallergenic materials is the standard for today’s cock ring company, so the risks of getting the device stuck or developing a skin rash are virtually unheard of anymore. There are some models that feature quick release buttons or tighteners, and yet others that can attach to or work in tandem with another sex toy for a multi-dimensional thrill ride. So, if you’re one of those guys who still thinks that a cock ring is little more than a taunt rubber band that’s wrapped around your dick, you’re missing the boat, dude.
General Cock Ring Design Mainstays

Like a classic car, there are two main types of cock ring: the manual and the automatic. The manual devices are those simple elastic rings that feature different a tightness and/or texture with each model. Manual models are effective, but the fun you can have with them is somewhat limited. The automatic models are where shit gets interesting.

Automatic, or electronic, models are like the Robocops of Cock Rings. They protect and serve your penis, with an array of durable, skin-safe design features and high-tech switches that do everything but pay the rent. By utilizing a well-appointed product in the right way, reaping its benefits is as satisfying as a busting smooth nut. And with the right cock ring, that’s exactly what you’ll do.
To get the most bang for your buck, read the manufacturer’s instructions for each product prior to popping it on cock. Never assume that these modernized man bands are all the same. Each unit is uniquely designed and has its own pros and cons. However, realizing what you’re getting into before you get into it will help guide you to the toy that fits like a glove.
What’s the Appeal? How To Use a Penis Ring?
Nobody is here to tell you how a cock ring should be used, but the purposes listed below are the most common among mainstream men. Given that the best-selling rings in the industry are comprised of body-safe silicone and feature scientifically designed ergonomic that make them safer and easier to use than ever before, it’s certainly possible to get creative when you wear your own. However, to understand the most pleasurable way to use a cock ring requires a general understanding of what they are (and what they are not).
Multi-purpose cock rings make fucking fun and freakishly futuristic, with a myriad of pleasurable purposes including, but not limited to, the following:
- SUBMISSION – To restrict blood flow to the penis.
- DOMINATION – To control the sensations of a partner.
- STAMINA – To support an existing erection.
- KINK – To provide added stimulation to sex or masturbation.
- DYSFUNCTION – To achieve an erection through flaccidity.
- ROMANCE – To add interest and intrigue to a hungry relationship.
- GRATIFICATION – To achieve orgasm on your own schedule.
The cock ring, in all its glory, has too many perverted purposes to list. But, perhaps the most appealing part about owning a high-end toy like this is relishing in the versatility. With a little bit of lube and a sprinkle of imagination, a good cock ring can make a huge difference in how you have sex. They’re compact, lightweight, and effective, not to mention more enjoyable than sex without one. You know what they say: “One you wear ring, you’ll want it more than anything.”
Cock Ring Usage Tips and Tantalizing Tricks

These marvelous machines of modern technology are basically easy to use in general, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be a pro in the ring as soon as you slip one on. Today’s greatest groin gadgets command a little more respect than their lackadaisical predecessors, but with that well-deserved respect comes a supremely just reward in the form of some fabulously satisfying fuckery.
While having sex without a cock ring is certainly a classic about which nobody is complaining, adding a ring of spice can make everything nice. The more you know about using them, the better. So, heads up on some of these tried and true tips and tricks:
- HAVE A FIT – Be diligent when adjusting the tightness of your cock ring. Sure, it feels great to get a snug hug at the base of your dick by a lubed up, vibrating, mechanical magician. What doesn’t feel so great, however, is the uncontrollable numbness and sheer terror experienced when a cock ring that’s too tight won’t come off. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
- SLIP OR FALL – Using plenty of water-based lubricant will save the day, trust me. A proper slop on the top of your rock can help any sized cock ring glide down the shaft to its final resting place without dragging 14 layers of your dick skin with it. Plus, adequate amounts of lube keep the ring’s materials from causing irritation. Slip it on for fall for the stupidest shit in the book.
- MAKE IT WORK – Some of the higher-end cock rings on the market require batteries or feature rechargeable motors. Without using those products to the fullest, they quickly become merely an expensive rubber band with buttons on it. Get what you pay for by keeping yours fully charged and ready to go before the party starts.
- STEP YOUR GAME UP – Since most contemporary cock rings are extremely durable and compact, traveling with them should be a rule for people who have adventurous sexual appetites and very few limitations. Making yourself available by consistently equipping a cock ring turns you into a sexual super hero and can increase your pleasure during those ad-hoc sessions calling for kink.
- B.E. CREATIVE – There is no wrong way to use a cock ring. Okay, maybe there is; but I can’t think of any at the moment. In my humble opinion, if nobody is being hurt (against their will) and so long as everyone involved is well-aware of the product’s limitations, then it’s always a good tool for some sexual experimentation.
- PLAY NICE – Many of today’s top cock rings are designed for solo artists as well as for couple’s play. And although your average sex life might not include using toys with other people, utilizing a dual-purpose cock ring can turn lust into love. It’s time to start giving a shit about what others thing of you in the sack, so play nice and let your partner get theirs as well.
- JOIN FORCES – There’s this little trick used by some of the world’s best-known male porn stars (and also used by the inconspicuous couple down the street that looks like they always fuck in the missionary position). Two pieces of advice: don’t judge by appearances and don’t forget to use your chosen cock ring alongside you or your partner’s favorite toy.
- Example: Strap on a skin-safe silicone cock ring with variable vibe functions, and then let an automatic masturbator like the Kiiroo Onyx 2, the Sayber X, or the Fleshlight (with Launch) turn your world upside down without using your hands. Some of the toys mentioned can be controlled remotely or hooked up to preloaded virtual reality porn content, so the perverted possibilities are virtually endless.
- DO GATEWAY DRUGS – Some people say that the use of a cock ring can lead to the use of harder things like cock cages and cuddling. They’re probably right, but only because the sheer psychological pleasure provided by the modern-day cock ring can only be described as addicting. When you start to feel the thrill, be not afraid. Either way, most partners find an easily manipulated cock very attractive, so if you like it then you better put a ring on it.
- PAY THE BILL – If the toy you choose comes with a manufacturer’s warranty, I suggest paying for that shit immediately. As much as I would like to lie and say that issues with the higher-end cock rings never exist, I simply can’t. Your sex toy collection should be viewed as an investment anyway, so get with the program and pay the full price for what you’ve got. It’s still cheaper than a hooker or a penicillin prescription.
- BE YOURSELF – Nobody gives a shit if your cock ring looks like something from the future or whether it can perform tricks, especially if you’re in over your head with a device that you have no idea how to use. Don’t make yourself look like a fool by trying too hard to be cool. Just be yourself and choose a unit that’s suitable for your sexual lifestyle. You can always go back later and upgrade to something fancier. And considering how most of today’s top selling cock rings are super affordable, using the graduated process is probably your best bet.
- BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR – Remember, if you’re using any kind of penis pump or penile enlargement product, the comfort level and effectiveness of your chosen cock ring might change. Penis Pumps such as the HydroMax Series, Penomet, and the FleshPump can instantly increase a dick’s girth, causing all your existing cock rings to become obsolete, especially if they don’t stretch wide enough. Basically, if you’re wishing for a larger Johnson, be prepared to shell out more Benjamins.
Using sex toys the way they were intended is inarguably good enough. For fuck sakes, their ability to give us pleasure is why we demand them so much. Still, an expertly executed escapade using a cleverly designed cock ring is something that’s fun for everyone, regardless of their experience level, physical ability, sexual preference, or gender. Since it’s basically an all-inclusive attention-getter, this updated rubber band shit has taken on a life of its own and we don’t hear anyone complaining.
How to Maintain Your Claim to Cock Ring Fame
Since the proper use of a well-appointed cock ring can increase your sexual prowess and popularity, it’s important to have well-maintained devices at all times. While no two cock rings are designed the same, their maintenance requirements are also different.
- Read the directions, dumbass.
Would you rather look like a ditz because you don’t know how to pick up a cock ring and manipulate the bells and whistles flawlessly, or would you rather feel like a complete reject when you ruin the mood because of your clumsy attempt to make it work before time runs out? Don’t say anything. We already know the answer. Just control your toy so it doesn’t end up controlling you.
- Do your homework, dipshit.
Hopefully, you don’t think we were all born with some kind of innate ability to operate the latest sex you have with precision without ever having read the first set of instructions. Furthermore, you can’t possibly imagine the specifics of maintaining each and every individual toy on the market. That’s an asinine ideal. You may be smart and experienced, but read the care instructions carefully and follow them to the letter. Until you can design a scientifically prudent, ergonomic, orgasm-giver in your living room, you should probably leave the maintenance rules to the pros.
- Keep it simple, stupid.
Create a routine when using your cock ring – one that supports your sexual habits AND the integrity of the toy. Something like: charge, use, wash, dry, charge seems like the perfect plan (if you’re using an electronic cock ring, that is). Tailor your maintenance regimen accordingly, but make sure it’s not too complex. Simple routines are easier to follow, and easily followed routines are more successful.
- Don’t be cheap, creep.
Listen, you can get the same basic effect with a standard, no-frills cock ring and it’s possible you’ll even enjoy a bit of increased pleasure during sex, but here’s the thing:
- Cheap cock rings are notoriously flimsy, meaning you’ll end up buying twice as many (especially if you like it). Now what kind of sense does that make?
- Inexpensive cock rings can break, tear, or loosen during sex. Sometimes they even become stuck around the shaft or get lodged in an unsuspecting partner’s orifice. That’s definitely not earning you a call back, buddy.
- Simple, no-frills cock rings limit more than just your penile blood flow. They also limit the amount of kink and creativity you can bring to the bedroom. Opt for opulence in your orgasmic options, that’s just my opinion.
- Cheap versions of these cocky bastards seldom come with any sort of warranty, guarantee, sample pouch of lubricant, or even a swift “fuck you” from the manufacturer. You’re on your own when you’re a cheap ass, but spend a little extra and you suddenly have a team of like-minded perverts at your disposal (and probably a sample packet of lube just for being a good boy).
- Get some ideas, idiot.
Maintaining the cock ring you’ve picked for your dick is a huge responsibility (ok, maybe it’s not so HUGE for some of you guys, but I digress). Either way, your privacy is certainly important, especially when it comes to that massive sex toy collection hiding under your bed. Some cock rings are without carrying case or storage pouch, so be sure to think things through. Remember what papaw used to say, “Only an idiot tosses a toy for their cock into a dirty old sock.”