You don’t have to be a professional porn star to want a good-looking and high-performance penis. Unfortunately, most men aren’t born with the perfect dick. For as long as mankind has known it has genitals, the pursuit of bigger and better cocks has been an accepted norm. So, when a company comes out with a penis enhancement product and promises “big” result, the people listen.
On the other hand, we’ve all been lied to at least once by these big-name pharmaceutical companies that have no discernable soul. In hopes of finding a product that works wonders, we end up wasting our hard-earned money on knock-off items without even knowing it. And with so many options available now, it’s even more difficult for guys like you and me to find anything worth our time.
I, for one, prefer penis enhancement products with some sort of quality or effectiveness guarantee, although that’s relatively rare in this industry. However, I said “rare,” not “impossible.” If the manufacturer is confident in the efficacy of their product’s ingredients, you’ll likely get a little security with your purchase. Still, I believe a product should speak for itself so I don’t get too hung up on the whole “money back” thing.
It’s because I’ve realized along the way that no two people react the same. It doesn’t matter what the maker claims; you will have a completely different experience than the next guy. With that said, it’s still important to get axzzz2 general idea of what to expect. That’s where I come in, especially when we start talking about high-end, tested and proven penis enhancement products like VigRX.
What Is VigRX Plus?
According to the label, VigRX is a potent male enhancement supplement that uses a proprietary blend of natural ingredients to promote penile growth and stronger erections. It also just so happens to be the only clinically tested male enhancement product on the modern-day market, with documentation recently shared by PubMed. Unfortunately, the product’s popularity has come at a high price and by that I mean imitation.
Right now, there are hundreds of knock-off products that have been introduced to the modern-day market in hopes of turning customers awat from the real deal. Don’t be one of those losers. To ensure you get the actual VigRX formula, never buy your supply off of Amazon or eBay. Shop through the official site every time.
Anyway, VigRX promises to give guys a huge boost in the bedroom, especially if that guy faithfully uses it for 80 days or more. As the ingredients build up in that man’s system, his ability to have sex for longer and present a sturdier penis is improved significantly. While instant results can sometimes be felt or seen, the real magic happens after a few short weeks.
The Science: VigRx Plus Ingredients

VigRX comes in an easy-to-swallow tablet form that dissolves quickly in water and/or stomach acid. Furthermore, the new VigRX formula now features two ingredients that the old version didn’t have. Here’s what you’ll find inside each little pill:
This little aphrodisiac works as a bladder tonic by promoting better oxygen levels, blood flow and nerve impulses in the penis.
Epimedium Leaf Extract
Known in some circles as “horny goat weed,” this ingredient features a special compound that aids in the transport of nitric oxide – the chemical responsible for testosterone production.
Asian Red Ginseng
First recorded as a powerful aphrodisiac back in ancient China, this little ditty provides a “warm and sexually pleasurable sensation” to any man who uses it as directed.
Muira Pauma Bark Extract
Often referred to as “the erection root,” this extract boosts a man’s libido and sexual desire before, during and even after his performance.
Hawthorn Berry
This antioxidant ingredient contributes to a man’s overall sexual health by releasing bioflavonoids that increase blood flow, improve cardiovascular health, strengthen blood vessels and lower bad cholesterol.
Catuaba Bark Extract
Used by indigenous South American men to increase sexual desire and stamina, this little herb contains 3 alkaloids that work within the nervous system to combat fatigue and reduce jitteriness.
Saw Palmetto
This natural herb affects testosterone levels and has been used by holistic practitioners for centuries to aid with hormonal imbalances and sexual inadequacies.
Ginko Biloba
This well-known Chinese herb is not only a potent antioxidant but it’s also a positive influence on nerve function and blood flow, naturally increasing the power of any erection without all the negative side effects.
As the pungent, active component of everyday black pepper, this substance has a dramatic effect on how the human body reacts to other ingredients in the formula.
How It Worked
Keep in mind that the best male enhancement products on today’s market won’t likely give you instant results. This is because instant results are not only potentially dangerous but they’re also temporary. For most men, a permanent solution is what’s desired most.
I didn’t notice any immediate effects after taking VigRX for the first time, so I was a little perturbed. However, my mind was changed at around the two-week mark. At that point, I began experiencing a surprising surge of sexual energy, the likes of which I’d never felt before. All this without any heart palpitations, upset stomach or nervousness.
As for the downside, there wasn’t much of one. Aside from the patience required for the product to take effect, my experience was a rather positive one.
The Pros and Cons
As mentioned, VigRX is not 100% perfect for every swinging dick on the planet. For some guys, a faster acting formula might be more ideal. For dudes with a little patience, this formula could very well be the Holy Grail. Let’s break it down, shall we?
- Nothing to Lose – The maker offers customers a 67-day money-back guarantee, even if the bottle is empty when you return it.
- Security Blanket – The whole-body, natural sensations provide a smooth finish that allows you to concentrate on sex instead of side effects.
- Too Legit to Quit – The manufacturer is one of the most well-known and well respected in the industry, meaning you know there’s good stuff inside each bottle.
- Safety First – The container features a convenient safety cap that’s childproof and air tight.
- Po Folks – Although this product is considered high-end, it’s price tag won’t give you sticker shock.
- The One and Only – VigRX is the only male enhancement supplement that’s backed by scientific research and reliable documentation.
- Patience Is a Virtue – Like I said, you’ll have to wait a while for the formula to take effect and then continually use it for long-term results.
- Double Up – You’ll also have to purchase several bottles for VigRX to enjoy the long-term effects that come with prolonged use.
- Ask Your Doctor – Some of the ingredients in this stuff may not bode well with medications you’re taking. Be safe, not sorry.
- Straighten Up – Unfortunately, VigRX will not help with Peyronie’s disease like it’ll help erectile dysfunction. Better luck next time, guys.
Where To Buy VigRx Plus Online:
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My General Opinion
Overall, VigRX is probably the safest and most effect male enhancement supplement on the modern market.